Mar 31, 2008


today i would like to lay down

in the river

water flowing over me

smoothing out all the tangled parts

warming me

reminding me

that in the end

things are never really destroyed...

they may shift

and change

a little more here and little less there

but they are never really gone.

Mar 26, 2008

ra! ra!

recovered pics from saturday

Mar 25, 2008

Adventures in Asheville

juan and belita woods, goddess of vocalists...

Wow. Such happy times.

An Easter weekend that brought so much fun.healing.and much needed connection with my mates and sweet man.

Friday after work we started with a picnic in the park…and went to bed early so that Saturday we could get up and hike to see three magical waterfalls. Tiny purple butterflies followed us as we hiked up the trails and took our time sitting on the rocks, just enjoying the nature. The only sad part was dropping my camera in the water (doom!) so I have no pictures of our lovely day..

Next we went to see The Spiderwick Chronicles… oh my! All fairy lovers should run to see this before it leaves the theater. Such beauty and inspiration! It’s so nice to go with a boy who not only indulges me in seeing films like this, but loves the fantasy of them just as much as I do.

The night brought more fun and going to see some funk music with Belita Woods and members of Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band. Not only did she sing with them, she joined us for a gathering at our friend’s house out in Boone. She sings this one song, Overemotional, and to hear her talk of what lead her to write it was so fun. Her husband had told her she was so overemotional about him picking up his clothes off the floor. She was like, “damn straight I am overemotional, you don’t give it to me like you used to!” The least you can do is get your damn sock up off my floor. It was great.

Sunday morning our sweet mates went to Green Life with us and we bought yummy food for our Easter picnic. Waldorf chicken salad, asparagus, jalapeno cornbread, spinach risotto, fruit salad with vanilla and peach schnapps, mimosas..yum!!!

As we sat outside on the blanket eating in the front yard, all of the dishes looking so pretty on Gabe's pottery , I felt myself being taken back to my center. The beauty of everyone around me all weekend, how they shine in their imperfectness was just so amazing.

Mar 12, 2008

Healing Words

Can you coax your mind from its wandering and keep to the original oneness?

Can you let your body become supple as a newborn child's?

Can you cleanse your inner vision until you see nothing but the light?

Can you love people and lead them without imposing your will?

Can you deal with the most vital matters by letting events take their course?

Can you step back from you own mind and thus understand all things?

Giving birth and nourishing, having without possessing, acting with no expectations, leading and not trying to control: this is the supreme virtue.

Tao Te Ching

Mar 3, 2008

limitless life

i was used to a me all stilted

and stressed

i never knew

how to be

resilient and free

before i moved out of my house

and left a life

that never quite fit

i could not list 20 things i truly liked

much less have told you what my deepest desires are
or were

or will be

i was just so caught up

in the fear

that there wasn't enough love

i had to grasp and reach and catch it

keep it in a cage and under control

i couldn't be free

or let go

or let anything be

and now...i can feel a shift

in so many parts of me

a quietness that i never knew

i craved

a place inside me

that wants to be heard

by only me

i'm learning how to say no

i'm eating more healthfully

not starving my body

trying again, to control

i'm taking walks

gaining a sense of direction

(okay..i'll might always get lost, but i am trying:)

and i am taking action

instead of talking about the things i want to do

i am taking the time to do them

and they are not huge feats, by any means

they are small micro-movements

but they are mine