Feb 24, 2007

love. the ultimate cure

when i can promise
not to neglect you
or us
not to assume
and to listen
when i feel i am heard
if not always understood
when i don't expect
and just accept
when i've shown you more
of just me
and you make an effort
to want to see
when i realize a mistake
is paid for once
made by both
then forgiven
when i am sure
and committed
to loving each other
before all else
and we never end up
the couple who doesn't speak
at a table
when i know for sure
you love me
and want me
then i think
i might feel safe


Cayden said...

thank you for your words of celebration of me...your feelings are so true...

Cayden said...

thank you for your words of celebration of me...your feelings are so true...

Anonymous said...

Love is the ultimate cure!
I really like everything about your blog!