Dec 2, 2009

an owl's wisdom

My Daddy's initials were O.W.L. Oliver Wayne Lammon. Today marks one year and eight months since he killed himself. He and I were oh so close, the best of friends. One of the hardest parts that I continue to struggle with every day is not being able to pick up the phone and ask his advice. So, lately I've been asking the universe, asking my Dad to please show me a sign. Let me know he's still with me in spirit. And, I've been overwhelmed with all of the Owl images everywhere. On binders, in clay, in my horoscope above and in Pixie's Owl Card.

As I light my candles and remember a life with my Dad, I pray for the wisdom to learn all my lessons and the patience to listen to my instincts as they guide me to find how his death fits into my life's purpose.


cayden said...

He was so wise...the sweetest. I am amazed how his love and wisdom transcends right in front of you. He is walking this with you..always.

Kate UF said...

In the words of Happy Meyer and his son:

You're the best.
Be happy.
I love you.