Feb 22, 2007

Letting Go

These nights are rare for me. Nights out with people who genuinely love you and love to see you giggling. I have trouble over planning and trying to do so much, that spontaneity does not come naturally to me. Part of this self-discovery process for me has to be to love my authentic self. To not be afraid to express my silly side.

I was brought up to do things perfectly, to plan your days, to put other's needs first...I am slowly learning that if you can't fill yourself up first, you can't give anything back. Part of feeling confident and in love with who I am begins with not being afraid. Not being afraid to let go.

"At the center of your being you have the answer, you know who you are and you know what you want"

Lao Tzo

I read those words and they speak to my heart. I'm just afraid I know the truth and it means so many changes.


kelly rae said...

you have a very sweet spirit over here. looking forward to coming back. keep dreaming and making art!

Stacy said...

what a beautiful photo! I want to be wrapped up in the both of you with all those luscious locks!

Anonymous said...

Is it a friend or a sister?

You look so much alike)