when the self doubt starts creeping in i sometimes feel paralyzed.
i spend hours on the computer looking at other people's art work, and i don't just appreciate the beauty. i criticize my own talent. or lack there of.
the weight of it all feels so real. and painful.
i know i should take out my paint brush and my canvas and just start. but i worry it will be ugly.
i feel like a scared little girl who wants someone to come along and guide me.
i know, deep down, it's not about how much beauty my creations hold. it's not a competition. i am creating from my heart and i must have a purpose. i hope i do.
i just want for my work, what i create, to bring happiness to people. to show them love grows deep and is in everything.
i feel a huge part of my move here was to take time to create art.
instead, i am so scared i have not even pulled the chair up to my art table.
do i make collages? do i design cards? should i take a painting lesson? will he think my work is ugly and hers is so pretty?
and it's sad, really, to be sitting here in all this self doubt and fear.
and i don't mean to.
it's just sometimes i can't find the beginning point. i can't take that first step.
i start thinking, oh i can never write a novel. i can't go back to school for art or take lessons, i am too old or too busy or too poor. and i am only 28!
i know you can reinvent yourself at any age, i hear the advice i give to others. i know it's not important that i am this amazing artist, but that i love what i do. that i remain playful, stay in love with myself and what i create.
i would never doubt my friends the way i doubt myself. i would never use unkind words to beat down their dreams. i should be using those same soft, heartfelt words that i use with my friends in my own inner dialogue.
so i will go home today and light candles. meditate. and begin.